Thursday, December 11, 2008

Long Time No Post...

So I know I havent posted anything in a few months but this time of year is so crazy. I wanted to show you all what the kids have been up to. So here are a few pictures of the last 2 months.

Sierra was a fairy princess for Halloween, her dress even sparkled though the picture doesnt show it.

Mason was the cutest giraffe anyone has ever seen!!

Here are our pumpkins They were Sleeping Beauty and the Dragon

Rich and Sierra had a father daughter night at preschool where they carved pumpkins and sang some songs. they carved a cat on thier pumpkin

Here is her singing to Im a Jack o Lantern

During Rich's birthday Mason played in the boxes.

Sierra had to decorate a stocking for preschool, here is the finished project

Anytime Mason sees the camera he says "cheese" and wants a picture taken.

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