Tuesday, October 21, 2008


We took a weekend trip to Westport so Rich could go fishing with his friend Jim and so the kids could play in the sand at the ocean. It was a long car ride but the kids were troopers and survived the 6 hours in the car. Here are a few pictures from the weekend. I only hope we can get back there soon, as it was a lot of fun.

Here are the fish Rich caught. Mason is a little over 30 inches so you can see how big they were.

Sierra loved to play with the live bait Rich was using. She was "fishing"

Here we are at the Beach. The kids loved the sand and waves. We found quite a few sand dollars and Sierra managed to fall in the waves as she was running away. Needless to say it was a fun time.

Sierra, Mason and cousin Hailey digging.

1 comment:

Matt, Colleen, McKenzie and Ben said...

We'll have to find some time to take all the kiddos out to the beach in the spring and let them all loose to play!