Monday, January 12, 2009

Christmas Morning

Christmas morning was wonderful this year. I really enjoyed watching the kids they are at such a fun age. Here is what Santa left under the tree this year.

The kids in Mason's room getting ready to run down the hall and see what was left under the tree.

Sierra got a lot of Barbie Diamond Castle stuff, as that is her newest love

Mason got a race track and a cars couch, Sierra has an Elmo one but sharing is not always the easiest so now they each have one!!

Sierra loves to take picture so we got her a kid proof camera and she is getting very good at taking pictures

Mason loved opening presents however his favorite thing to do was to climb up onto the boxes and jump off them. He is our little monkey.

Sierra had deceided about 2 weeks before Christmas that she wanted a bike, scooter and a large dinosaur that was remote controlled. Well Santa had already done all his shopping so there was not one left for her under the tree. IT wasnt untill all the presents were open did she realize that she didnt get what she wanted. I told her that sometimes we dont get everything we want but to be happy for what she got. Now we always go to my parents house for Christmas dinner and presents, so we loaded up and went there and this is the scene that unfolded when Sierra opened her big gift from Grandma and Papa.

"This is just what I wanted, now I know why Santa didnt leave it for me.... grandma and papa got it for me. THANK YOU" She was in heaven and hug that box for a long time saying how she loved it!!

She also got a helmet and knee pads

Here she is riding it thru the house as happy as can be

Mason got lots of good stuff from Grandma and Papa also but his own chair for thier house was one he loved.

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