Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Last warm day of summer

Fall is finally here but there was a few warm day last week and the kids went out to play. Rich is in the middle of a power upgrade for our house and shop so there was a large mount of dirt that he had left from the hole he is digging to install the new power box. Mason is all boy and is a magnet for dirt so of course this caught his eye. I could not keep him or Sierra out of the dirt so I gave in and grabbed my camera.

Here is my King of the Dirt Mountain

And Princess Dirt herself
Its hard to tell but he has just ate a handful of dirt!! YUCK!
My little man loves balls and is getting good at throwing them...or dropping them!

The kids were covered from head to toe in dirt so I gave them a quick shower with the hose. My little guy is a water bug and would not leave the hose alone. They had a blast and then went in for warm baths, with soap, in the tub!! :)
Mason laughing at the water as he chases it from side to side
Sierra stopping for a quick drink
Drenched from head to toe and still coming back for more
Sierra trying to get away from mom who is in control of the hose
My water bugs!!!

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