Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Mason's 1st Birthday

We had a brithday party at Grandma and Papa Betchers so that all the family from the westside could be a part of our little mans big day. It was wonderful to see everyone. I think just about everyone was there. I didnt get many pictures of the extended family but here are a few of the kids. We all enjoyed our time spent with friends and family and cant wait for the next family gathering. Who is hosting next????

(if any of you have pictures please email them to me)

Just a quick note, we got home Monday night and Mason is now a WALKER!!!! Watch out Sierra he is coming after you!!

Here is Mason's cake

His loot!!
Mason loved opening gifts, especially those with wrapping paper
His new lawn mower, thanks to Sue and the kids. Watch out dad here I come.

Sierra and friends Lana and Olivia watching Mason open gifts
His first bite of cake
He got it all over, but had fun!
A quick family photo before a bath. Sierra was too busy eating cake to join us.

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