Saturday, September 27, 2008


Sierra had gotten ready for bed the other night and wanted to watch a movie. She settled on the couch next to dad. I knew she was tired as she had no nap (which is a rare thing anymore) and had been fighting a cold. Sierra's tell tell sign she is tired is she wont stay still. She was moving all over the couch and then just crashed!! This is the final position in which we found her, passed out cold.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Mason is 1

So friday Sept 12th Mason turned ONE!! We is a walker now and he loves to chase after his sister, and just toddle around. We had a birthday party with family and friends to celebrate our little man's big day. Here are a few pictures from the party.

Here is the banner from his birthday. He loved cake and threw it everywhere. He even got cake on his back some how!!!

Here are his toys. I think the hammer is his favorite with the balls a close second

These are pictures of the pony that interacts with the tv when he rides it and the soccer field ball pit, Thanks Aunt Jessica and Uncle Tracy!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Sierra's big girl bed

Sierra has deceided that she is too big for her toddler bed. For the past week she has been sleeping on the futon in the computer room, because her bed is "too small for me, I am too big" We got a full size mattress from Grandma and Papa. We set up her bed with her new bedding when we got home from the west side. We are getting the bed frame tom. and will be panting the walls in her room and pink and purple to match the new bedding. She loves her new bed and is actually sleeping in her room again with out a fight!!!

She has princess bedding, for our little princess
She loves to read in bed
Good night Princess, sleep tight

Mason's 1st Birthday

We had a brithday party at Grandma and Papa Betchers so that all the family from the westside could be a part of our little mans big day. It was wonderful to see everyone. I think just about everyone was there. I didnt get many pictures of the extended family but here are a few of the kids. We all enjoyed our time spent with friends and family and cant wait for the next family gathering. Who is hosting next????

(if any of you have pictures please email them to me)

Just a quick note, we got home Monday night and Mason is now a WALKER!!!! Watch out Sierra he is coming after you!!

Here is Mason's cake

His loot!!
Mason loved opening gifts, especially those with wrapping paper
His new lawn mower, thanks to Sue and the kids. Watch out dad here I come.

Sierra and friends Lana and Olivia watching Mason open gifts
His first bite of cake
He got it all over, but had fun!
A quick family photo before a bath. Sierra was too busy eating cake to join us.

Puyallup Fair

We headed up to visit Grandma and Papa Betcher and took in the Puyallup Fair. We all had a lot of fun. The kids loved the animals and Sierra got to go on her first fair rides, which she loved!!

Here are the kids on the merry go round. Mason loved this ride and laughed the entire time he was on it.

Sierra on the helocopters

Sierra's 1st roller coaster. She loved it!! Mom was a little nervous for her.

Sierra milking a cow!!

Daddy and Sierra petting a sheep

Mason in the petting zoo with a goat

Sierra liked this one the best