Thursday, December 11, 2008

Long Time No Post...

So I know I havent posted anything in a few months but this time of year is so crazy. I wanted to show you all what the kids have been up to. So here are a few pictures of the last 2 months.

Sierra was a fairy princess for Halloween, her dress even sparkled though the picture doesnt show it.

Mason was the cutest giraffe anyone has ever seen!!

Here are our pumpkins They were Sleeping Beauty and the Dragon

Rich and Sierra had a father daughter night at preschool where they carved pumpkins and sang some songs. they carved a cat on thier pumpkin

Here is her singing to Im a Jack o Lantern

During Rich's birthday Mason played in the boxes.

Sierra had to decorate a stocking for preschool, here is the finished project

Anytime Mason sees the camera he says "cheese" and wants a picture taken.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

Sierra and Mason and I went to the pumpkin patch with Sierra's preschool. It was a lot of fun. The pumpkins were a little on the small side but the kids still had fun. There is a small petting zoo and a hay maze and hay pyramid. Here are pictures from the day at the patch.

Waiting for all of Sierra's class to arrive, there were large pumpkins to play on.

There is a cute spot to take pictures...I took a bunch and this is the best of them all.

Here is a picture of me and the kids after picking out our pumpkins

Mason found one he liked right away
Sierra trying to lift the one she liked (sorry the pic is sideways)

Here is Sierra climbing the hay pyramid
Now at the top
What Mason did while sissy was climbing
My adorable kids
Where is Sierra???
Petting the pig


We took a weekend trip to Westport so Rich could go fishing with his friend Jim and so the kids could play in the sand at the ocean. It was a long car ride but the kids were troopers and survived the 6 hours in the car. Here are a few pictures from the weekend. I only hope we can get back there soon, as it was a lot of fun.

Here are the fish Rich caught. Mason is a little over 30 inches so you can see how big they were.

Sierra loved to play with the live bait Rich was using. She was "fishing"

Here we are at the Beach. The kids loved the sand and waves. We found quite a few sand dollars and Sierra managed to fall in the waves as she was running away. Needless to say it was a fun time.

Sierra, Mason and cousin Hailey digging.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Last warm day of summer

Fall is finally here but there was a few warm day last week and the kids went out to play. Rich is in the middle of a power upgrade for our house and shop so there was a large mount of dirt that he had left from the hole he is digging to install the new power box. Mason is all boy and is a magnet for dirt so of course this caught his eye. I could not keep him or Sierra out of the dirt so I gave in and grabbed my camera.

Here is my King of the Dirt Mountain

And Princess Dirt herself
Its hard to tell but he has just ate a handful of dirt!! YUCK!
My little man loves balls and is getting good at throwing them...or dropping them!

The kids were covered from head to toe in dirt so I gave them a quick shower with the hose. My little guy is a water bug and would not leave the hose alone. They had a blast and then went in for warm baths, with soap, in the tub!! :)
Mason laughing at the water as he chases it from side to side
Sierra stopping for a quick drink
Drenched from head to toe and still coming back for more
Sierra trying to get away from mom who is in control of the hose
My water bugs!!!

Fun with Friends

The kids and I went to Prosser with a friend and her daughters for the annual hot air balloon race. We were there friday night and there were no balloons to look however there were booths for the moms to look at and a huge slide to play on and ponies to ride on.

Gianna and Sierra climbing up the slide

Down they come

Here Sierra comes

She loved the ponies and picked this one out herself

Gianna and Sierra on the pony ride

Saturday, September 27, 2008


Sierra had gotten ready for bed the other night and wanted to watch a movie. She settled on the couch next to dad. I knew she was tired as she had no nap (which is a rare thing anymore) and had been fighting a cold. Sierra's tell tell sign she is tired is she wont stay still. She was moving all over the couch and then just crashed!! This is the final position in which we found her, passed out cold.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Mason is 1

So friday Sept 12th Mason turned ONE!! We is a walker now and he loves to chase after his sister, and just toddle around. We had a birthday party with family and friends to celebrate our little man's big day. Here are a few pictures from the party.

Here is the banner from his birthday. He loved cake and threw it everywhere. He even got cake on his back some how!!!

Here are his toys. I think the hammer is his favorite with the balls a close second

These are pictures of the pony that interacts with the tv when he rides it and the soccer field ball pit, Thanks Aunt Jessica and Uncle Tracy!!