Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Summer Soccer

Sierra played YMCA soccer this summer and had a lot of fun. She was on a 4-5 year old team and most of the team was 5 and had played before. She was one of the youngest and was new to the sport. She was on a team called the Blue Birds. We had a lot of fun watching her play and can not wait untill next year.

Soccer was more of bunch ball this year but so very fun to watch.

Waiting for the whistle to do a corner kick

Sierra in action!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Spring Update

I wanted to take a minute and thank everyone for all your support over the past month....yes it has been a month hard to believe. We have a wonderful family and could not have made it thru these last few weeks with our all of your help and prayers. We are both doing much better, still have a little ways to go however we have positive spirits and are doing good.

The kids have been amazing thru this all. They have been very helpful and aware of the changes we have under gone. I am still in awe at how well kids adapt to any situation. Here are a few pics of the kids. Mason is 18 months and doing well. He is a tall and skinny little guy weighing in at only 24 lbs 10 oz , however he is 34 1/2 inches tall making him in the 94% for his height. He is into Thomas the Train or "choo choo" as he calls him and ball. He loves to be outside and running as fast as those short little legs will carry him. Sierra is 4 on the 29th and very bright little girl. She loves preschool and has made a few friends which we have playdates with often. She loves my lttle pony and barbies and of course being outside, which we can now do again since the weather is warmer. She is looking forward to soccer this summer.

As you may know Rich and I took some much needed time for ourselves and went to Las Vegas. We had a lot of fun seeing the sights and took in a Cirque show KA! I highly recommend this show if you have not already seen it. I was in awe the entire time, how they can move like that is beyond me. We had wonderful weather and enjoyed being with just the two of us. I hope to make it back there again someday as it was a lot of fun however we left a lot still to see.

My little Monkey Man

Mason has always been a climber, with the one excetion of his crib, he loves to sleep. SO I was finally able to capture him in the act while we were at my mothers house. Here is my monkey man climbing on her table for the fifth time even after getting a light swat on the bottom to tell him no. He loves to climb on anything!!! And the boy has no fear.


So a few weeks ago I found my house to be too quite, knowing this ment Sierra was up to something I called her name however got no answer. When I went looking for her this is what I found!

She had got my makeup bag and was putting makeup on.

Notice the eyeshadow on her cheeks and gloss on her lips

She was very proud of herself untill she relized I was rather mad at her. My nearly new eyeshadow was now gone. (See pic below)

Friday, February 6, 2009

Playhouse Disney Live

My mom and I took the kids to Everett to see....

On Feb 1. There was Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Little Einsteins, Hanny Manny and My Friends Tigger and Pooh.

They had a lot of fun, here are the lighted batons they each got. They are like the one from Little Einsteins.

Here is Mickey talking to the postest about his delivering invitations for his music party

Here is a picture of the gang from Mickey Mouse clubhouse

The Little Einsteins arriving at the party in rocket

Here is the whole gang. Sierra likes them all however Little Einsteins and Mickey Mouse are her favorites. Mason loves Hanny Manny and all the singing. It was a lot of fun and I enjoyed the show along with the kids.

Childrens Museum

Sierra's preschool took a field trip to the childrens museum. She had a lot of fun running here and there playing. I am pretty sure her favorite part was dressing up in the castle stage area. Here are a few pictures of her and her classmates.

Driving the school bus is friend Nora, Sierra and Hannah

Sierra is pretending to be a bank teller, with on of the girls grandma

Sierra and Nora in the castle

My knight in shining armor, she was protecting the princess

Gator Fun

The kids and I went over to Tiffani and Travis's house for a play date. Her boys have a John Deer Gator, Sierra had a blast riding with Brody around thier yard. She tried to drive but is not the greatest at steering and ran into a lot. Mason wanted in on the fun so Brody very nicely let him ride in the back and drove around real slow.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Black Eye

Mason is into everything these days. He is always getting into the pantry and stealing my broom. This day he got into a fight with the broom and Mason lost. He recieved his first black eye....from a broom of all things. Here is my little man all bruised but still as cute as can be. (IT wasnt easy to get a good picture)

Christmas Morning

Christmas morning was wonderful this year. I really enjoyed watching the kids they are at such a fun age. Here is what Santa left under the tree this year.

The kids in Mason's room getting ready to run down the hall and see what was left under the tree.

Sierra got a lot of Barbie Diamond Castle stuff, as that is her newest love

Mason got a race track and a cars couch, Sierra has an Elmo one but sharing is not always the easiest so now they each have one!!

Sierra loves to take picture so we got her a kid proof camera and she is getting very good at taking pictures

Mason loved opening presents however his favorite thing to do was to climb up onto the boxes and jump off them. He is our little monkey.

Sierra had deceided about 2 weeks before Christmas that she wanted a bike, scooter and a large dinosaur that was remote controlled. Well Santa had already done all his shopping so there was not one left for her under the tree. IT wasnt untill all the presents were open did she realize that she didnt get what she wanted. I told her that sometimes we dont get everything we want but to be happy for what she got. Now we always go to my parents house for Christmas dinner and presents, so we loaded up and went there and this is the scene that unfolded when Sierra opened her big gift from Grandma and Papa.

"This is just what I wanted, now I know why Santa didnt leave it for me.... grandma and papa got it for me. THANK YOU" She was in heaven and hug that box for a long time saying how she loved it!!

She also got a helmet and knee pads

Here she is riding it thru the house as happy as can be

Mason got lots of good stuff from Grandma and Papa also but his own chair for thier house was one he loved.

Let it Snow Let it Snow Let it Snow

Everyone loved the snow to play in. Both kids love to eat as much as possible then come in for hot chocolate with lots of marshmellows. Here are a few pics of the kids playing.

Sierra and Daddy Went out to play in the snow and built this great snowman. She was very proud of thier work. Not so happy when it started to warm up and melt.
I managed to get them to sit still for a few seconds to get a picture of them together
Mason watching Sierra in awe at her lying in the snow making a snow angel