Friday, August 29, 2008


So I am excited, my sisters wedding is tom. We have a million things to get done today but it is all worth it. I will post some pictures from the wedding as soon as I get some. I am the Matron of Honor, Sierra is the flower girl and Mason is the ring barrer. I cant wait to see them in thier cute outfits. My children are growing up so fast!!!

I am also excited that my baby is going to be 1 soon!!! I cant believe how fast this year has gone. He has grown so much. I only hope this next year is as fun as the first, and that it slows down just a little. I miss my baby, he is such a toddler now and looks like a little boy instead of baby.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Summer Fun

I wanted to show off my family and kids to those of you who dont have myspace. So here is our blog. Hope you enjoy it.
Here is the kids on 4th of July. We spent it visiting Grandma and Grandpa Betcher and family. It was a lot of fun.
We went to the Seattle aquarium while we were in town. Mason was in awe the entire time there. Sierra loves fish and had a lot of fun touching the different animals with daddy.
This summer went by fast. We spent a lot of time in our pool and at local water parks. Here are a few of the kids at the water park. Sierra loves the water and swimming. She has started to swim without her floaties!! Mason is a natural fish, we cant keep him out of the pool or the sprinklers.
Here is a picture of our little fisherman. She loves to go fishing and boating. She is always asking when we get to go next. She caught and reeled this one in all by herself